Chubby Cheeks Nursery

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Dear Parents,

Chubby Cheeks Nursery is an award winning, ISO certified group of nurseries with 16 branches in Dubai. We accept admissions of children aged 2 months to 4 years. We promise to provide all children a home away from home with a fun and enriching learning experience.

In November 2015, Chubby Cheeks Nursery won the prestigious Top Mums Choice Award 2014-2015 as voted Best in Early Child Education by Mother Baby and Child Media.


Chubby Cheeks is an inclusive nursery – we open our arms to children from all over the world, who speak different languages and have different abilities. Our full day and year round program suit the need of working parents, while providing their precious child an environment where they can
‘Grow with Love’ ! 


Our nursery has the following facilities:

  1. Children’s Gym featuring mini bikes, treadmills and more.
  2. Children’s Library and ICT corner for Audio-Visual Learning using interactive Smart Board.
  3. Small World Role play Corner – Role play areas with a mini supermarket, dress-up station, kitchen, train, etc all brought down to child size.
  4. Indoor Play area including soft play, ball pool, merry-go-round, climbing wall etc..
  5. Swings, Slides and other play equipment in our Outdoor Area.
  6. Outdoor Biking Track.


Chubby Cheeks Nursery gives prime importance to your child’s health, safety and security. The premises are designed using the guidelines provided by the UK Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED). The nursery is equipped with a clinic with a full time DHA registered nurse. The nursery is monitored via CCTV and a security system (also security guard) is installed at the entrance.


Chubby Cheeks Nursery follows the British Early Years Foundation Stage which focuses on 7 areas of development including Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, Literacy, Mathematics, Creative Development, Knowledge and Understanding of World and Physical Development. We realize that every child is different; no two children even from the same family are alike. Hence our curriculum itself is diverse – where sky is the limit.


We offer French and Arabic as extra language classes. At Chubby Cheeks Nursery, we have children from over 60 different countries. We hire multinational, qualified and caring staff who believe in
‘Hug First, Then Teach’.


At Chubby Cheeks Nursery we focus not only on ‘learning’ and not only on ‘play’; instead we focus on ‘learning through play’. Children will surely enjoy activities such as Music and Dance, Arts and Crafts, Junior Gym, Junior Yoga, Junior Chef, Junior Scientist, Public Speaking, Story Time, Dress Up Days, Field Trips, Concerts, Puppet Shows, Drumming lessons and many many more.


We believe parents are our partners in their child’s education and hence encourage open lines of communication. Parents are sent weekly emails by teachers explaining the schedule and activities they conducted for the week. Parent-Teacher Meetings are held at the end of each term to discuss the progress of the child and a Baseline Assessment is given to assess the performance of the child.